
The following exception types have been created for this library. If you wish to create a catch-all try/except then you can use MsActiveDirectoryException, as it’s the parent exception for all others.

class MsActiveDirectoryException(Exception):

“”” A parent class for all other exceptions so that users can have a catch-all exception for functional issues that still doesn’t blind them to things like accidentally providing a string where a number is needed. “””

class AttributeModificationException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered modifying attributes of users, groups, etc. “””

class DomainConnectException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered connecting to an AD Domain “””

class DomainJoinException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered joining to an AD Domain or validating the join “””

class DomainSearchException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered searching an AD Domain “””

class DuplicateNameException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when multiple records are found during an operation that expects to operate on a unique object “””

class InvalidComputerParameterException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when functions are called on a ManagedADComputer object with invalid parameters or that rely on unpopulated attributes. “””

class InvalidDomainParameterException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when invalid parameters are used for creating a domain object or establishing a connection with a domain. “””

class InvalidLdapParameterException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when a parameter specified is not of a proper type or format to convert to an LDAP attribute as needed for a function. “””

class KeytabEncodingException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when a keytab is read in from a file but the encoding is invalid “””

class LdapResponseDecodeException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an LDAP response cannot be parsed properly “””

class MembershipModificationException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered modifying group memberships, and rollback of the incomplete changes was successful. “””

class MembershipModificationRollbackException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered modifying group memberships, but rollback of the incomplete changes was unsuccessful. “””

class ObjectCreationException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an error is encountered creating an object “””

class ObjectNotFoundException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when an object cannot be found when performing validation that an object exists as part of a function. “””

class PermissionDeniedException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when permission errors occur operating within AD “””

class SecurityDescriptorDecodeException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when errors occur decoding a security descriptor “””

class SecurityDescriptorEncodeException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when errors occur encoding a security descriptor “””

class SessionTransferException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when errors occur transferring an authentication session from one domain to another “””

class TrustedDomainConversionException(MsActiveDirectoryException):

“”” An exception raised when trying to convert a trusted domain that has a non-AD type to an ADDomain “””